Posted by: whatallisonsees | April 28, 2009

Yoga for Life. For real.

I got this in an email from Lime today. It is a site devoted to healthy living that I quite enjoy.

Ok – Does it get any better than British news? I am pretty sure the answer to that is no – and then today I read this article on Bette Calman, and now I know – the answer is for sure, 100%, no.

Yoga Granny

I think it is fair to say not only is this 83 year old Yoga instructor more physically fit than I am right now, but she might be more fit than I will ever be in my life!

She’s prim and proper with her pearls and perfect hair, and she still knows what’s up with the benefits of Yoga for mind, body and spirit connectivity.

From the article: “Mrs. Calman from Williamstown, southeast Australia, can do all the difficult moves including the agonising ‘peacock’ where the body is held in a horizontal position by the strength of the arms alone. The bendy granny can also pull of a tricky raised ‘lotus’, ‘bridge’ and a headstand with ease.

I’m proof that if you keep at it, you’ll get there.  I can do more now than I could 50 years ago,’ Mrs. Calman said. ‘Yoga keeps you young.’

‘Never have I gone to a yoga class and wished I was somewhere else, because I know I’m going to to come out feeling on the top of the world. There’ll always be yoga.'”


For some reason this doesn’t even seem real to me, almost like the Twilight Zone- but I am for sure going to go home after work (after climbing at the gym and training for Squamish) and work these poses. I want to be a baller like this granny when I am 83, too!



  1. awesome! 🙂 go granny

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